Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 Days of Lists begin... now.

The List: A few things about yourself
So there's a group online now called 30 Days of Lists. 30 days, 30 different topics. And, in an effort to analyze and potentially over-share, I'm jumping right in. Today it seems like the right thing to set me straight.

Day 1: A few things about yourself
  • I'm not good at being on time
  • I love being a mom
  • I drink at least a cup of tea a day
  • I rarely wear much jewelry
  • I'm fascinated by world religions
  • When it comes to emotional intimacy, I'm extremely insecure
  • I like to work
  • I always think of businesses or ideas I'd like to start
  • I love riding motorcycles, but I'm too scared now that I have a child
  • I like to argue - if it's a matter of principle
  • Dancing makes me happy!
What was interesting about this list was how easily the negative stuff came to mind. I can think of a million critical things about myself, but the positive attributes come harder. I'll take this as lesson #1 that I'm a little too hard on myself and chalk it up to a successful Day 1.

On the cosmic scale, I'm losing big-time.

So today I lost my dog, a $3000 check, and pretty much my mind. Each is still outstanding, leading me to wonder what's going on this week and if these are the bad things that euphemistically happen in threes, or if there's some more phenomenally bad karma coming my way.

It kinda started yesterday with a workday so stressful, I had a headache and developed spasms in my back from what was probably the tensed muscles. It was a day in which I briefly considered shutting my office door to cry, only to realize that taking a couple minutes to do that was a couple minutes taken away from the insane pile of work in front of me. (Plus, the red eyes would have given me away.)

Deep breaths...positive self-pep thing at a time...made it through the day, and on to a martini, a run, and cuddles with the kiddo and husband.

I just feel exhausted, burned out and overwhelmed right now, and the fact that my dog and my money is floating through the streets right now is too much to bear. The check has been canceled, but extenuating circumstances dictate that I won't get another until Saturday. My dog, on the other hand, is another story.

Much like the check that--in the short distance from my car to my front door--disappeared from the pile of papers in my hand, the dog pulled the same sudden vanishing act. Ironically, while I was on the same fruitless search of my yard, my car, and the streets surrounding my house.

I suspect there's a parallel between this and the perceived loss of control of my environment and emotions lately, but the real question is: How to get back on track? Because I really don't think I can take much more.