My daughter cracks me up.
She sucks her thumb when she's tired, but not in a normal way. She dangles her thumb from the corner of her mouth like a cigar, and sticks all four fingers up in the air like a rooster.
The best part? She often sticks it too far in and gags herself. Imagine a six month old in pajamas, yawning, sucking her thumb, and dry-heaving in my arms. It's hilarious.
Now that she's eating solids (a deliciously boring array of rice cereal or Okinawan sweet potatoes), she likes to illustrate the phrase, "Gag me with a spoon." She grabs it from me and as I'm wrestling with her, she jams it down her throat and gags.
The thing is--she doesn't seem to mind because she keeps doing it until I take it away.
Then she got the idea that she could chew on her Johnny Jump-Up like a horse bit. I can't help
but laugh listening her bounce-bounce-bounce, pause to chew, loudly retch, then start over again.

She took it a little far the other morning. After the 10th or 15th, "Stop gagging yourself," she puked. I took her out of the seat after that.
Let her find something else to induce vomiting for a while.
As much as it makes me laugh, I can't help but wonder if my little bulimic started internalizing all the fat jokes we make about her.
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